Dedication of the Lt. General Robert E. Pursley Veterans Park

What a great day to dedicate the Lt. General Robert E. Pursley Veterans Park! We envision this park to honor not only our local veterans but to also be a place for the community for gatherings, overall fellowship, or quiet reflection.

There are so many people to thank that helped from fundraising to installation to the dedication.

Kris Matlock
Paula Keister
Chris Bunner
Linda Morris
Judy Cole
Curtis Cunningham
Ron Ragle
Dave Lamb
Jim Monks
Steve McCoy
Justus Martin
Keith Snyder
Joe Cunningham
Rachel, Abram, Lydia, and Solomon Cunningham
Jason Kasinksi
Josh White
Trevor Devoss
Boy Scout Troup 17 of Harrisville
Rob Ulry
Ron Younts
Keith Thomas and James Hardware
…and DeWayne Ford for creating the vision for the park!

We apologize if anyone was left out of this list! This definitely could not have been accomplished without the donations, volunteers, and support of these individuals and more!